Monday, November 2, 2009


I used skype for the first time this week-end to participate in a conference call. It is an easy way to conduct a conference call and also happens to be free. If the call is between two people and participants have access to webcams they can see each other as well. You can contact anyone anywhere!

This free software is easy to use and well worth trying!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Managing a post-secondary program requires continuous improvement. In order to do this
I have the students evaluate the program at various points throughout the program. One of the challenges is that there are limited numbers of respondents and to be effective they need to be anonymous. This week I came across it allows you to create and distribute surveys and then collates the data for you. The software seems relatively easy to use and is free with 200 or less responders. I am trying it out and hopeful that it will be useful!

Please let me know if anyone has any experience using this software!


This week we learned about RSS (Really Simple Syndication). A method of flagging or following sites/blogs. It alerts you when one that you are following has been updated. You customize your own list so you can follow the things that interest you the most.

This is an interesting and useful tool to help sort through all the information available. It could be useful in the work or educational environment if you find a blog that explores topics pertinent to the topic being taught. It can also be used in the educational environment as we are in this class by having each student create a blog and all other students in the class follow each others blogs.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Food for Thought

This video is from youtube and provides some interesting stats. I am not sure how accurate they are but it is referenced and still drives home the message.


Blogs are a journal or expression of ideas, thoughts and beliefs that are posted to the web. They can be on any topic that interests the creator. They can contain text, pictures, videos and links to other websites. This information expresses the opinions of the person creating it however anyone can read and comment. Blogs became popular as a social networking tool and as a means to communicate ones thoughts but how can in be implemented into education?

Educators are using blogs as a means of promoting self-expression, collaboration and reflection. It is intended to encourage leaner engagement. Specific topics can be assigned to the students to post their thoughts and classmates can respond. It can be particularly beneficial in distance education by facilitating a class discussion when a face to face discussion is not possible.

I my program we have students from Regina and Saskatoon. A blog could provide students with an opportunity to share and compare their clinical experiences. This could increase their level of understanding learning and assist them to begin to develop some critical thinking skills.

An effective blog in the educational environment requires enthusiastic students who feel comfortable expressing themselves. To achieve this the blog must be presented in a non-threatening manner. Also, students need to be educated on how to assess the reliability and validity of the information they come across and or post to the blog. Finally it must be stressed that since anyone can have access to the site, appropriateness of content must be considered very carefully before posting.

Qualified health care professionals may use a blog to build a learning network allowing the opportunity to share personal or departmental experiences. This sharing could enhance processes in the workplace and reduce the time spent “re-inventing the wheel”. If used could potentially enhance patient care. The challenge is having maintaining a blog is time consuming and for it to be effective in this environment several people from various workplaces would need to actively participate in the blog.

Welcome to My Blog

I have created is as a requirement of an Adult Education course I am taking through the University of Regina. The purpose is to explore various technologies and how they can be used in adult learning.

I am a Radiation Therapist who is responsible for a competency based post-secondary program. I will try to apply each technology to effective learning in a competency-based program or to professional development for health care professionals.

I invite you follow and contribute!